I am working on a way to horizontally adjust the track at the end of the gate-bridge to compensate for temperature changes.

Gate Track horizontal adjustment
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I am working on a way to horizontally adjust the track at the end of the gate-bridge to compensate for temperature changes.
I have now added a first layer of Mod Podge water to my Naches River. When the water (glue) dries I will try adding more waves.
I have now added the gravel and glue into the Naches river flowing under the Pacific Cascade bridge and am one step closer to adding track. After allowing the gravel to dry I will be adding some drift wood and grass on the sand bars and maybe a hobo camp.
After spending a good deal of time looking on Google Earth at the Naches river NP bridge north of Yakima, WA and the Cowlitz river east of Chehalis, WA I have drawn up a design that I hope to duplicate on my Pacific Cascade Railway gate/bridge. If the PCRy had been built as surveyed by C.A. White in 1878 it would have crossed both of these rivers.