Our Clackamas club, Columbia Cascade & Western, had a very good operating session last weekend and I once again got to operate the Woodburn switcher and hauler, my favorite job. I also worked with David B. in the Lebanon yard, an excellent partner.

Our Clackamas club, Columbia Cascade & Western, had a very good operating session last weekend and I once again got to operate the Woodburn switcher and hauler, my favorite job. I also worked with David B. in the Lebanon yard, an excellent partner.
Saturday I visited DB’s Chehalis, WA layout and ran my new Bachman SD45 engine.
I recently discovered in my NPRHA calendar the past existence of the PCR (Pacific Coast Railroad) which shares the initials with my PCRy (Pacific Cascade Railway) and merged into Burlington Northern at the same time, March 3rd 1970, on my railroad history timeline. I have sent an email request to the NPRHA for more information on this line. We may be sister lines. We may even have joint operating rights.
Yesterday I updated the Willamette Model railroad club’s JMRI program to version 4.0.1 and suddenly ran into several changes that I had no idea how to handle. After a couple hours of trial and error I was able to select the two profiles we use for programming and WiFi operations. When I visited the JMRI web site I found there is only an online help section and no downloaded manual for the 4.x updates. I’m hoping this will change soon as my ability to memorize the help files is somewhat limited and running home every time I have a question is the pits.